Trimble Saves 10% of Redundant Marketing Investments Using Uptempo

Founded in 1979, Trimble, Inc. was one of the earliest pioneers in GPS technology. In the four decades since, the company has expanded to dozens of business divisions employing thousands of employees worldwide who together drive over $3 billion in annual revenues. Today Trimble is transforming the way the world works by delivering products and services that connect the physical and digital worlds with core technologies in positioning, modeling, connectivity and data analytics.

Trimble Trimble: Tools for Agriculture

The Challenge: No Financial Visibility

In order to transform the way our world works, Trimble employs thousands across the globe and their size caused difficulties for the marketing team. 

With a lack of visibility to get a true read on their overall marketing spend, the company’s marketers ended up losing money because they couldn’t tell where they had underspent or overspent. Not knowing where or why marketing was investing led to a lack of confidence in their numbers, both from the marketing and finance teams. 

Trimble Transportation Trimble: Tools for Transportation

Michelle Chessler was one of those marketers. She was frustrated by their lack of visibility and her goal was to enable smarter marketing spend across all of Trimble’s businesses, while reducing redundant and inefficient spend. She was committed to finding and re-allocating 10% of wasted spend from the entire marketing budget. When Chessler was promoted to a new role within the company, she made it her mission to ensure Trimble’s marketing investment data was clean, detailed, and aligned across all the business units. 


Uptempo provides our marketers with an easy-to-use, foundational tool that simplifies the complex, ever-evolving financial management process, gives them more accuracy in the process, and improves their relationship with the finance team.

Michelle Chessler, Director of Integrated Marketing Strategies at Trimble, Inc.

The Solution: Aligned Marketing Budgets

But how to do this? Once Chessler saw a demonstration of Uptempo, she knew it was the right platform to achieve her goals for her company. With Uptempo enabling a holistic view across finances, it met  Chessler’s  requirement that it supports multiple currencies. Plus, Uptempo was easy to use and configure, making the marketers’ lives that much easier. 

Now that Uptempo is implemented, Chessler can quickly get a view into Marketing’s performance and easily click between budgets across divisions. She has the visibility she needs to accurately report to Finance on whether Marketing is projecting any excess spend or is planning for accruals. With Uptempo in their tech stack, Trimble is thinking ahead to future integrations to further streamline their marketing processes. 

Allocadia Budget Example: Allocadia Budget View

The Result: 10% of Marketing Dollars Saved

Read our full case study to learn exactly how Uptempo enabled Trimble to save 10% of redundant marketing investments.